Work Leave Application Web Form Template

This form features a number of standard questions that you can ask employees who are asking for time off work. This leave application form gathers basic information including name, title, and supervisor. Next, employees can select the dates of their requested work leave and the purpose of the requested time off. Employees can easily complete this form and your HR team can review forms as they come in.
This form can help companies streamline the leave request process by maintaining a single form that all employees use. This reduces paperwork and ensures there is never any risk of an employee using an old version of a PDF form that is no longer in use. Your employees will appreciate how easy it is to apply for time off.
You can embed this form on your website, either on a public page or in a password-protected area of your site or HR intranet.
HR can download all requests at any time to evaluate leave requests over time. You can also add flags and notes to mark particular leave applications when needed.