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45+ Post Webinar Survey Questions to Improve Your Webinar Experience

45+ Post Webinar Survey Questions to Improve Your Webinar Experience

From years of running webinars, I’ve learned that post-webinar survey questions are vital for gauging how well your sessions resonate with your audience and pinpointing improvement areas. It’s not just about asking questions—it’s about asking the right ones at the right time.

In this blog, I’ll walk you through why these surveys are so essential and how to conduct them effectively. I will also share some post-webinar survey question examples to help you gather the insights needed to elevate your future webinars.

Watch: How to Create Engaging Surveys Online with ProProfs Survey Maker – Free & Easy

What Is the Purpose of a Webinar Survey?

The purpose of conducting a webinar survey goes beyond simply collecting feedback. It’s about gaining insights that can help you:

  1. Improve Future Webinars: Feedback can guide you in making data-driven decisions to enhance future events.
  2. Understand Your Audience: Learn more about your attendees’ preferences, challenges, and needs.
  3. Measure Success: Assess whether your webinar achieved its objectives, such as educating your audience or generating leads.
  4. Enhance Engagement: Use the feedback to create more engaging and relevant content for your audience.

Why It’s Essential to Run Post-Webinar Surveys

There are different types of survey methods. One of them is running post-webinar surveys, which are essential for gathering feedback that helps you understand what worked and what didn’t during your webinar. This feedback lets you refine your content, format, and delivery for future webinars. In my experience, these surveys provide actionable insights into audience satisfaction, engagement levels, and areas for improvement.

By asking webinar survey questions, you can evaluate the effectiveness of your presentation, gauge the relevance of your content, and measure the impact of your webinar on your audience. This data is invaluable for making data-driven decisions that enhance future webinars and improve your audience’s experience.

When and How to Use Post-Webinar Surveys

Timing is critical when it comes to deploying post-webinar survey questions. The best time to send out a survey is immediately after the webinar concludes when the content is still fresh in participants’ minds. This ensures that the feedback you receive is accurate and reflective of your experience.

There are several methods to distribute your survey, including:

  • Email Surveys: Send an email with a link to your survey immediately after the webinar ends.
  • In-Webinar Surveys: Embed a survey within the webinar platform to capture real-time feedback.
  • Follow-up Surveys: Include the survey link in follow-up emails and any additional resources or a thank-you note.

Regardless of the method, the key is to keep your post-webinar survey questions concise, relevant, and easy to complete. This will increase the likelihood of participants providing thoughtful and constructive feedback.

Watch: How to Follow Up Effectively After a Webinar | Day 27

45+ Best Post-Webinar Survey Questions

Below are five types of post-webinar survey questions that cover essential aspects of gathering feedback from your webinar participants. Each type includes 10 specific questions along with explanations of why they are crucial.

1. General Post-Webinar Survey Questions

These questions are broader and can cover various aspects of the webinar, from content relevance to the effectiveness of the delivery.

Why These Questions Matter

General webinar survey questions provide a broad overview of the webinar’s effectiveness and relevance to the audience. They help understand how well the content aligns with attendees’ needs and expectations.


  1. What did you find most valuable about the webinar?
  2. Was the webinar content relevant to your needs?
  3. How would you rate the pace of the webinar?
  4. What could have been improved in the webinar?
  5. Would you attend another webinar on this topic?
  6. Did the webinar offer practical takeaways that you can apply to your work?
  7. Was the webinar content up-to-date and relevant to current industry trends?
  8. How did this webinar compare to other similar webinars you’ve attended?
  9. Did the webinar fulfill its advertised objectives?
  10. Were there any topics you felt were missing or should have been covered in more detail?

2. Post-Webinar Questions About Content, Format, and Speakers

These survey questions delve into the specifics of the webinar’s content, structure, and speakers’ performances.

Why These Questions Matter

Feedback on content, format, and speakers helps you refine the structure of your webinars and choose the right presenters. This is essential for ensuring your webinars are engaging, informative, and well-received.


  1. How would you rate the expertise of the speakers?
  2. Was the content presented understandably and engagingly?
  3. Did the webinar format (e.g., presentation, Q&A) work well?
  4. Were the topics covered in sufficient depth?
  5. How would you rate the speaker’s ability to engage with the audience?
  6. Did the speaker(s) effectively manage the time allocated for the webinar?
  7. Were the visual aids (slides, videos) helpful and relevant?
  8. Did the speakers encourage audience interaction and participation?
  9. Was the webinar content logically organized and easy to follow?
  10. How could the delivery of the content be improved?

3. Technical Post-Webinar Questions

These questions focus on the webinar’s technical aspects, such as platform performance, accessibility, and any technical issues that may have occurred.

Why These Questions Matter

Technical issues can significantly impact the participant’s experience. Gathering feedback on these aspects allows you to identify and resolve problems, ensuring a smoother experience in future webinars.


  1. Did you experience any technical difficulties during the webinar?
  2. How easy was it to join the webinar?
  3. Was the audio/video quality satisfactory?
  4. Did you find the webinar platform user-friendly?
  5. Could you access all the materials and resources provided during the webinar?
  6. How would you rate the overall stability of the webinar platform?
  7. Did you encounter any issues with the registration or login process?
  8. Was the technical support (if needed) responsive and helpful?
  9. Did the webinar platform offer the necessary features for effective participation?
  10. How likely are you to recommend the webinar platform to others?

4. Customer Satisfaction Survey Questions

Watch: How to Collect Customer Feedback: Simple, Easy Steps

For webinars aimed at customers, measuring their satisfaction with the content and how it aligns with their needs and expectations is essential.

Why These Questions Matter

Customer satisfaction is directly linked to how well the webinar content meets their needs and expectations. Positive feedback in the customer satisfaction survey can lead to better customer retention and stronger brand loyalty.


  1. How satisfied are you with the information provided during the webinar?
  2. Did the webinar help you understand our product/services better?
  3. How likely will you continue using our product/services after attending this webinar?
  4. Did the webinar address your specific concerns or questions?
  5. After attending the webinar, how would you rate your overall experience with our brand?
  6. Based on the webinar, how likely are you to recommend our product/services to others?
  7. Did the webinar change your perception of our brand positively?
  8. Were your expectations met about the product/service information provided?
  9. How effective was the webinar in demonstrating the value of our product/services?
  10. Would you like to see more webinars focused on our products/services?

5. Product and Marketing Questions

Product and Marketing Questions

If your webinar is a part of a product launch or marketing campaign, these questions can help you understand the impact of your efforts on your audience’s perception and interest.

Why These Questions Matter

Understanding the marketing impact of your webinar helps you measure its effectiveness in promoting your product or service. This feedback is crucial for optimizing future marketing efforts and improving conversion rates.


  1. How interested are you in the product/service featured in the webinar?
  2. Did the webinar influence your perception of our brand?
  3. How likely will you purchase the product/service after attending the webinar?
  4. Did the marketing materials align with the content presented in the webinar?
  5. What could we do to make our webinars more appealing?
  6. How effectively was the webinar persuading you to consider our product/service?
  7. Did the webinar provide enough information to help you make a purchasing decision?
  8. How likely are you to share information about the product/service with others?
  9. Did the webinar change your awareness or interest in our product/service?
  10. Would you like to receive more information or a follow-up about the product/service featured in the webinar?

These five categories of post-webinar survey questions cover the critical areas to evaluate and gather comprehensive feedback from your webinar participants. By asking these targeted webinar survey questions, you can gain valuable insights that will help you refine your future webinars and meet the needs of your audience better.

How to Conduct an Effective Post-Webinar Survey

To ensure your post-webinar survey questions yield meaningful results, it’s crucial to approach the survey process strategically:

  1. Keep it Short and Focused: Aim for a survey that takes no longer than 5 minutes to complete. Too many questions can overwhelm respondents and result in lower response rates.
  2. Ask the Right Questions: Focus on the areas that matter most, such as content relevance, speaker performance, and technical experience. Use a mix of quantitative (e.g., rating scales) and qualitative (e.g., open-ended) questions to get a well-rounded view.
  3. Offer Incentives: Consider offering a small incentive, such as a discount or a free resource, to encourage more attendees to complete the survey.
  4. Analyze the Data: After completing the survey, thoroughly analyze the responses. Look for trends, common issues, and areas for improvement.
  5. Act on Feedback: Use the insights gathered to improve your future webinars. This could mean adjusting the content, changing the format, or addressing any technical issues that were highlighted.

Want Better Webinars? Start by Asking the Right Questions

Conducting effective post-webinar surveys is vital to continuously improving webinars. By asking the right questions, you can gather valuable insights that help you understand your audience better and deliver more impactful webinars in the future.

I recommend using a tool like ProProfs Survey Maker to streamline the process and create post-webinar survey questions. It offers a user-friendly platform for creating and distributing surveys, analyzing results, and applying feedback quickly. Sign up for a free trial or request a demo today to start improving your webinars with actionable feedback.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. How should I gain the most from a webinar survey?
To get the most out of your webinar survey, focus on asking targeted questions that provide actionable insights. Analyze the data carefully and apply the feedback to enhance your future webinars.

2. How do I achieve a high response rate?
Keep your survey short, offer incentives, and send it out immediately after the webinar when the experience is fresh in participants’ minds. Also, ensure the survey is easy to access and complete on any device.

3. How do I get audiences to fill out webinar survey questions?
Encourage participation by explaining the importance of their feedback, offering incentives, and making the survey quick and easy to complete.

4. How do I apply the information from survey responses to my webinars?
Use the feedback to identify strengths and weaknesses in your webinar. Based on the responses, adjust content, format, and delivery to improve future webinars.

5. Why should I conduct a post-webinar survey?
Conducting a post-webinar survey is essential for understanding your audience’s experience and gathering insights that can help you improve future webinars.

6. What are the best tips for designing a webinar survey?
Keep it short and focused, use a mix of question types, and ensure it’s easy to complete. Include both quantitative and qualitative questions to get a comprehensive view.

7. What to include in a post-webinar survey email?
Your post-webinar survey email should thank participants for attending, briefly explain the purpose of the survey, include the survey link, and mention any incentives for completing it.

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About the author

Shivani Dubey is a seasoned writer and editor specializing in Customer Experience Management. She covers customer feedback management, emerging UX and CX trends, transformative strategies, and experience design dos and don'ts. Shivani is passionate about helping businesses unlock insights to improve products, services, and overall customer experience.