Depression, stress, anxiety, loneliness. These are the topics you must have heard on famous Ted Talks but together they are causing a pandemic that is far more fatal than any virus.
Mental health has long been a taboo in almost every country. Although businesses have responded with initiatives like mental health days, counseling, meditation apps, etc., sometimes all you need to do is ask the right mental health survey questions.
With a well-curated mental health survey questions, you can end the stigma around mental illness, create more awareness, eliminate things that are causing unnecessary stress, and make this world a better place for everyone.
But since mental health is such a sensitive topic, how do you ask the right questions without hurting someone’s sentiments?
Well, you need to respect the privacy of your respondents and win their trust by not disclosing the results to anyone. Also, make sure you communicate “how” and “when” you plan to use the data. Lastly, to help you get started, we have curated a list of 40+ mental health evaluation questions that you can include in your research.
Ready to make everyone smile again? Let’s go!
What Are Mental Health Survey Questions?
Mental health survey questions are used to monitor the psychological, emotional, and social well-being of a person. You can start a conversation around mental health, gauge awareness among your target audience, and understand if someone is suffering from a mental disorder.
Mental health questions can be used in many fields and areas. For instance, you can ask mental health evaluation questions to understand if a candidate is fit for a high-pressure job or not. Similarly, you can even use these questions to understand the level of stress students are exposed to in school or how challenging it is for them to make new friends.
Mental Health Survey Questions for 5 Different Categories
Mental health surveys can allow you to make people reflect on their overall well-being and encourage them to seek professional help if necessary. The idea here shouldn’t be to find misfits but to offer a helping hand.
Please note: Consult a psychologist, counselor, or mental health expert before you make any strong conclusions from these surveys.
1. Workplace Mental Health Survey Questions
According to a report by WHO (World Health Organization), depression and anxiety cost the global economy US$ 1 trillion per year in lost productivity. On the contrary, workplaces that address mental health issues and disorders, witness reduced absenteeism, increased engagement, and higher productivity.
Does your organization offer a peaceful and mentally healthy work environment? Well, there is only one way to find out. With wellness survey questions for employees, you can better understand your work culture, gauge the impact of new policies on employees, and give the signal that your business is ready to talk about mental health. Here are some top examples of workplace mental health questions:
- How strongly do you agree or disagree with the following statement – “I feel comfortable talking about my mental health with my colleagues.”
- Are you having trouble concentrating on your work for more than 5 minutes?
- According to you, what factors contribute to poor mental health in any workplace environment?
- Have you been under the influence of alcohol or any other harmful substance while working at the office?
- To what extent do you agree with the following statement – “The management of this company prioritizes employees’ mental health and well-being.”
- Are you suffering from any mental health disorder/illness? If yes, please specify.
- Do you feel your mental illness has impacted your performance or productivity at work?
- If given a chance, what changes would you make to your office policies to encourage positive mental health?
2. Student Mental Health Survey Questions
According to a study on Student Mental Health , about one-third of students suffer from mental health disorders before they even arrive as freshmen in college. There is no doubt that kids are under more stress than ever before. In addition to managing their academics and co-curricular activities, students constantly feel the pressure to show their “best version” on social media platforms.
No matter if they have succumbed to substance abuse or are bullied by their seniors, you can use our mental health survey questions for students and get closer to their young minds. Here are some sample questions you can refer to:
- Are you able to complete your assignments/homework within deadlines?
- How often do you feel stressed out at school?
- On a scale of 1-5 (1 being extremely easy & 5 being extremely difficult), how challenging do you find making friends at school?
- Have you ever been bullied at school? If yes, please describe your experience.
- Do you agree with the following statement – “I’m comfortable talking about my mental health with my parents and teachers.”
- How often have you been missing your classes lately?
- According to you, what are the necessary steps that must be taken by the school management to stop bullying?
- What would your reaction be if your classmate was suffering from any mental disorder?
3. Relationship Mental Health Survey Questions
In this world of dating apps, where love is dictated by right swipes, there is no surprise that a majority of relationships are not working out. Did you know that around 40-50 percent (almost half) of all marriages in the United States end in divorce or separation?
We know that breakups or divorce can be hard, but guess what is even worse? All the stress, anxiety, and mental breakdown that you have to go through due to a failing relationship. So if you are a relationship counselor or someone looking to expand knowledge around relationships, this mental health survey questionnaire will offer all the help you need.
- Are you experiencing extreme anger or sadness over a relationship in your life?
- Rate the quality of relationship that you have with your wife/husband/girlfriend/boyfriend.
- On a scale of 1 to 5, how “supported” do you feel by your partner?
- On a scale of 1 to 5, how much “special” does your significant other make you feel?
- Do you feel anxious that your partner will one day leave you for someone else?
- How much influence does your partner have on your work life or work-related decisions?
- In case of conflicts or arguments, how quickly are you two able to mend ways and sort things out?
- Do you think your partner has anger management issues? If yes, what makes you think so?
- During any important conversation, are you able to keep your point without being judged or interrupted?
- If you could change one thing about the “X” person, what would it be? And why?
4. Lifestyle Mental Health Survey Questions
According to new research, Americans between 45 and 65 years old are experiencing more stress today than people their age did in the 1990s (almost 3 decades ago). But why has life become so stressful in the current times?
Well, the COVID-19 pandemic has definitely made people more isolated, lonely, and stressed than ever before. Other reasons include the rising economic disparities between the rich and poor, over-dependence on technology, social media addiction, and more. Here are some closed as well as open-ended questions for mental health that you can use right away:
- How often do you feel positive about your life?
- Over the past 2 months, how often did you feel extreme sadness or hopelessness?
- Does your family have a history of depression or any other mental illness?
- Do you feel tired or overworked currently?
- On average, how much sleep are you getting lately: (Above 8 hours, 7-8 hours, 5-7 hours, less than 5 hours)
- What lifestyle changes are you trying to make to remain mentally fit?
- Are you socializing with your friends as much as you normally do?
- Do you agree with the statement: “Maintaining a proper balance between work, leisure, and relationships, is taking a toll on my mental health.”
- What lifestyle changes would you recommend to someone who is feeling lonely?
5. Patient Mental Health Survey Questions
Whether suffering from physical ailments or mental disorders, patients are more likely to be stressed or unhappy compared to well-functioning people. When someone is admitted to a hospital or undergoing treatment, they have to deal with stressors such as pain, sleep deprivation, medicine side effects, financial issues, and more.
So if you are a medical practitioner, owner of a health facility, or wish to study patients, we have compiled a comprehensive list of questions to ask a mental health patient or any patient for that matter. The responses to these questions will help you identify common stressors and enhance the patient experience.
- What are your thoughts regarding the side effects of your prescribed medicines?
- On a scale of 1-5, how satisfied are you with the care provided at this hospital/rehabilitation center?
- How supportive and caring has your family been during your illness?
- Do your healthcare bills make you anxious or stressed?
- Over the past 6 months, how frequently have you felt so worried about something that you were unable to sleep at night?
- On a scale of 1-5, how would you rate the cleanliness of this healthcare facility?
- During your treatment, how often have you felt restless, agitated, or tense?
- Did your medical practitioner talk to you about the benefits of positive mental health such as improved mood, reduced anxiety, etc.?
Mental Health Survey Template
Mental Health Questions: It All Starts With a Conversation!
There is a strong stigma around mental health. Even when a significant proportion of the population is suffering from some mental disorder, people fear they will be judged, called names, and made fun of. However, with the right mental illness survey questions, you can start the much-needed conversation and end this century-old stigma.
To make people comfortable and increase your survey response rate, you need to keep a non-judgmental stance and encourage people to share their mental health problems or obstacles. Show respect if some people are not comfortable disclosing their information, and make sure to seek help from a professional while analyzing responses.
With a survey tool like ProProfs Survey Maker, you can leverage thousands of ready-to-use questions and engage your audience by adding colors, themes, and logos. Share surveys instantly via email, social media, and take your mental health research to the next level. Lastly, be kind, you never know what someone is hiding behind that beautiful smile.
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