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What is Survey Fatigue & How to Avoid It

Surveys have long established their place as the best customer engagement tool available to companies. And as such every company sends out feedback and satisfaction surveys to all their customers. Be it for a new product launch or an after sales survey, on an average a customer partakes in at least 20 surveys initiated by...
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Best Practices for Designing Customer Satisfaction Surveys

The hardest part of creating a customer satisfaction survey is not getting your customers to take the survey. Many customers would be willing to attempt any survey you present in front of them. However, whether they’ll complete the survey or leave it midway is something you can’t be sure of. Unless of course, you do...
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Create and Send a Net Promoter Score Survey to Measure Customer Loyalty

The Net Promoter Score is an industry-wide standardized measure of customer loyalty. First introduced in 2004 by Friedrich Reichheld, Bain & Company, and Satmetrix, it has been widely accepted by all industries over the past decade. The Net Promoter Score is a simple-to-use tool that evaluates customer loyalty by asking them a single question, “how...
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Top 5 Benefits of Post-Event Surveys You Need to Know

After all the hard work, money, and time; you finally packed up your long-awaited event, and it was probably the best moment of your life but was it the same for your audience or attendees? You might believe that your event met your expectations, and everything had gone as you had hoped, but what’s more...
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What are the Advantages of NPS to My Business

Customer retention, customer loyalty, customer engagement, phew, these words are all I read about these days. One thing that tends to link all these factors together is Net Promoter Score or NPS. Ask any customer support expert, and they’ll go on about how good NPS is and how companies are adopting it and using it...
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Best Ways to Utilize Social Media for Consumer Surveys

How do you figure out what your customer wants? How do you anticipate their evolving needs? Well, one of the best tools to figure out that is sitting right in your hands! Social media has quickly grown up to become the best tool to gain a clearer picture of what consumers want. It allows you...
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Checklist for Creating an Effective Customer Survey

I came across a quote on the internet the other day, and it struck a chord. It said, “The customer’s perception is your reality”. We present a brand image to our customers of who we are, but in the end, the reality is what the customer views it to be. Companies have realized the importance...
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