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Omnichannel Customer Engagement 101: Every Business Owner Should Know

Did you know that 64% of modern consumers care less about the price if they are getting the best customer experience? As a result, companies are adopting a customer-centric approach to find out what customers like and what they don’t. This has made modern buyers highly demanding.   Buyers today expect to have multiple touchpoints with...
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What Is a Customer Satisfaction Score and How to Measure It

Bill Gates, the wealthiest business tycoon, said, “Your most unhappy customers are your biggest source of learning”. Bill might be running one of the biggest companies that the world has ever seen; however, he too has to deal with unsatisfied and complaining customers.  According to a study conducted by Walker, customer experience will become the...
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The Ultimate Conversational Marketing Guide

Wouldn’t it be great if all your favorite brands could be at your beck and call? Wouldn’t you love to get your woes sorted and queries answered in real-time? Thanks to the wonder that Digital Marketing is, all of this is now possible. Brands are taking an increasing interest and making efforts to enhance the...
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A Step-by-step Guide to Provide Exceptional Customer Support

Everyone says that customer support used to be easy. Now, note the past tense in that. For an 18th century blacksmith, the questions and concerns from customers were pretty simple. Solutions came easily too. At least it was obvious that customers would simply walk to the store whenever they needed support.  And then came the...
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Customer Service Recovery Guide: Steps to Make It Right

Every single company in the world wishes to offer delightful customer service.  But, a lot of companies don’t have a plan in place when things go wrong during the customer service process. Let’s take an example. In 2017 a shocking incident came to light when it was reported that a 69-year-old Kentucky doctor, David Dao,...
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Top 7 Ways to Build Long-Lasting Customer Relationships

With so many options in the market, brands find it challenging to cultivate long term business relationships with their customers. They know that once established, success is guaranteed. With strong customer relationships in place, a business gets to: Increase customer base Boost sales Improve business potential But for a brand to reach that level, earning...
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Importance of Customer Experience in 2024 – Infographic

The importance of customer experience is something that cannot be stated enough. Go back to the last time someone asked you for a recommendation about a place to eat or a store. Which sort of place did you recommend? You probably recommended a place where you had an incredibly good time or a store where...
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Why Is It Important for Customer Support to Use Social Media

The constant evolution of technology is changing the way we communicate. This has seen new forms of customer support come in. From toll-free numbers to automated chat boxes, these new ways are more accessible and more convenient. Social media is the latest of these ways and is changing the way customer service is provided. Moreover,...
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How To Build A Customer Loyalty Program

Loyalty goes a long way in defining and building relationships between people. Be it our personal relationships or even the relationship we have with the customers. For a business organization, having a loyal customer base is essential for success. Why? Because: Keeping an existing customer costs up to five times less than winning a new...
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21 Infallible Tips to Increase Customer Lifetime Value (CLV)

Businesses obsessively focus on increasing the number of customers. Get more customers, we need more sales, connect with more leads, etc. are the most common phrases used in team meetings. Companies are so caught up with trying to acquire new customers that usually they forget about their existing customers. An old belief that exists among...
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