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How to Calculate Customer Effort Score to Grow Your Business

Imagine there is a customer browsing your product page for a while. The customer explores the product images, scans through the features, checks the pricing, and hits the ‘Buy now’ button.  After encountering multiple slow loading pages, the customer leaves without making the purchase. Now, what went wrong?  The customer did not have a seamless...
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Measuring Service Quality- Your Guide to Customer Service Metrics

Your brand philosophy might have its roots in creating top-notch products or services. But can you really deliver in the long run if the service quality is ignored?  Poor service quality can cost your business, whether you are a month old startup or a decade old enterprise. “33% of Americans say they’ll consider switching companies...
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How to Write Good Customer Survey Questions

Are you happy with our product? How likely will you recommend our product to your family or friend? Where can we improve? These customer survey questions are a great way to check your customer’s happiness with your products and services.  Good customer survey questions capture the real emotions of the customers that reflect the perception...
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How to Embed a Survey on Your Website

Every brand focuses on trying to collect customer feedback through surveys and other similar means. While the customer may love to provide feedback to the brands they are associated with, the sheer number of surveys they encounter leads to survey fatigue, making it a significant problem. Marketing and research teams spend countless hours analyzing data...
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Customer Touchpoints 101: Identify and Leverage Your Touchpoints Efficiently

What Is a Customer Touchpoint? A touchpoint is where interaction occurs between the brand and the customer.  Turn the clock back a few decades ago, and these interactions were limited and easy to track. However, the current scenario is not that simple in terms of interactions. Marketing, PR, third-party sites, online reviews, etc. have scaled...
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How to Engage Your Customers in the Time of COVID-19

The COVID-19 pandemic continues to spread like wildfire, taking people’s lives, and severely impacting various economies across the globe. From the biggest MNCs to new startups, businesses are getting chills down their spine as the road ahead seems to be full of unprecedented challenges. What about your customers? You need to realize that although people...
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What Is the Difference Between CSAT, CES, and NPS? Pros & Cons Explained

Are you just thinking about starting your own business? Or are you already working on growing one? No matter what your perspective is, so far, you’re probably aware of how unpredictable and demanding the modern market may be. Opposite to the old-fashioned concept of commerce, modern ways of doing business (and particularly e-commerce!) go far...
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50+ Inspirational Customer Satisfaction Quotes From Experts

An interpretation of the “80/20 Rule” given by Italian economist Vilfredo Paret stated that “80% of your company’s sales come from 20% of your customers”. This adage is long being used as an incredible tool for business growth. To increase sales and boost revenue, companies have to make efforts to identify the characteristics of the...
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Why Customer Satisfaction Survey Is Important For Business Growth

Can you imagine the mindset of customers who are satisfied with a business? After a negative experience, certain emotions come to the forefront, which can be-Frustration, disappointment, and disrespect.  The impact of these emotional outbursts is immediately seen on a brand’s sales and performance. Let us understand what does the word satisfaction implies for a...
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Why Net Promoter Score (NPS) Software Is Important for your Business

If you are reading this blog, you might already have an idea about NPS( Net Promoter Score), a highly used customer satisfaction metric. This article will help you understand why you need a Net Promoter Score (NPS) survey software to make the most of this metric. For this reason, you need to first learn about...
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