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Decoding Qualitative Data: Methods, Analysis & Examples

Market research experts and statisticians rely so much on numerical data that they forget to ask the bigger questions.  “What sets us apart from the competition? What can we do to improve our product?” Qualitative data can help you get in-depth, intimate answers to such big questions that can never be discovered using a quantitative...
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What Is a Likert Scale: Definition, Types, Examples & Questions

Likert Scale is the perfect means for collecting focused opinions on a particular topic. At times, a simple yes or no could be sufficient when you need to survey customers, employees, or target audiences about their perceptions and opinions. However, when you are required to dig deeper into the respondent’s thoughts, you’ll need a different survey option....
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Customer Lifetime Value: An Ultimate Guide

Customer lifetime value (CLV) is calculated in business marketing strategies to see the bigger picture. Many businesses focus on long-standing relationships and success, and not just on one-time sales. For businesses looking to acquire and retain valuable customers, understanding the lifetime value of a customer is important. In simple terms, it is a metric that calculates how...
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How to Measure Customer Satisfaction In 5 Simple Steps

Have you ever heard, “Customer Satisfaction isn’t necessary for a business success?” Probably not! Because without satisfying the customer’s needs, you cannot offer them a delightful experience, which inevitably results in customer churn and poor revenue generation. Hence, if you aren’t strategically thinking about customer satisfaction, you’re probably following a risky approach. And to keep...
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Importance of Customer Feedback + Ways to Collect It

The possibility of achieving sustainable business growth will get decimated if you cannot get on your customer’s pulse. When you don’t know what’s best about your services, you won’t be able to do more of it. Similarly, without knowing what’s the worst about them, you can’t stop doing it. This is where the importance of...
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What Is a User Experience Survey? Tips & 50+ Ready-to-Use Questions

User experience, or UX, is pivotal in determining how well a website will fare: a staggering 40% of users will abandon a site if it doesn’t load within three seconds. The good news? A simple usability test with just five users can uncover up to 85% of UX issues. To dive deeper, regular user surveys...
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What’s the Best Time to Send a Survey

Ever wondered why some surveys succeed in getting the highest response rate while others often go unopened and unattended? No points for guessing the answer. While multiple factors impact the response rate, timing is one of the most important ones. Timing determines whether a survey sits in the inbox forever or manages to catch a...
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How to Create Popup Surveys for Your Website

It is quite common to encounter the attractive popup widget that greets you when you scroll through any website page. The questions that show up on the widget varies from page to page! Are you visiting our website for the first time? Have you found the product feature that you were looking for? Are you...
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Top Advantages & Disadvantages of Customer Feedback Surveys

According to Vince Lombardi, it takes months to find a customer but seconds to lose one. Hence, customer satisfaction at every point of the customer journey should be the number one priority for any organization. Customer feedback is one of the easiest ways to understand customer satisfaction. Are they happy with your products and services?...
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How to Fix Survey Problems: Your Ultimate Guide

The telephone company solved John’s complaint within 24 hours. Hence, he was more than happy to respond to a follow up customer survey. Question 1: How would you rate your overall customer service interaction? { John gives a five star!} Question 2: What attributes did you like the most about our customer service representative? (minimum...
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